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Alamogordo Animal Hospital

Veterinary Blogs For you

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Alamogordo Animal Hospital team!
How to Recognize Signs of Pain in Your Cat

How to Recognize Signs of Pain in Your Cat

Cats are notoriously stoic animals, so recognizing when they are in pain is difficult. Your cat may experience pain for numerous reasons, such as joint issues, dental problems, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections. As a cat owner, you must learn how to...

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The Importance of Pet Vaccinations

The Importance of Pet Vaccinations

Questions About Your Pet’s Vaccines? We Have Answers. Before you put off scheduling an appointment for your pet's vaccinations, ensure you are well educated about the importance of vaccines and how critical they are to your furry friend's health.   How do...

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Reasons Why Your Dog Licks Their Paws

Reasons Why Your Dog Licks Their Paws

Does your dog’s slurping sound as they lick their paws constantly keep you awake? Many pet owners become frustrated by their pup's non-stop paw-licking and want to help them overcome this condition. You should try to discover the underlying cause, so you can treat and...

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5 Steps to Cool Your Pet during a Heat Exhaustion Episode

5 Steps to Cool Your Pet during a Heat Exhaustion Episode

Seemingly fine one moment, your furry companion can overheat in the summer in the blink of an eye. If this happens, keep a cool head during this terrifying situation, and quickly and safely cool down your four-legged friend by following these steps:   Step 1:...

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3 Tips for a Pet-Friendly 4th of July

3 Tips for a Pet-Friendly 4th of July

​July 4th has long been a dreaded holiday in the pet world, and for many good reasons. Your furry pal can encounter many dangers with fire and gastrointestinal hazards lurking around foods, fireworks going off overhead, and sizzling hot weather. Want to turn your July...

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Is Fostering a Pet Right for You?

Is Fostering a Pet Right for You?

It's June, and you know what that means- it's National Foster a Pet Month! Is your family ready to foster a pet? Before you decide, ask yourself these questions first and see if you're prepared to be a pet foster family. Question: Will my current pet accept a new pet?...

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Enriching Your Indoor Cat

Enriching Your Indoor Cat

Cats are safest when kept indoors, but cats are likely to gain unhealthy amounts of weight without properly enriched indoor environments. A 2016 Association for Pet Obesity Prevention clinical survey revealed that nearly 60 percent of U.S. cats—about 50.5 million—are...

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4 Myths and Truths on Pet Microchipping

4 Myths and Truths on Pet Microchipping

To many pet owners, the idea of microchipping their little furry companion can be off-putting. Will my pet feel pain or discomfort in the process? Does my pet need to be sedated? These are some of the common misconceptions surrounding pet microchipping. Here at...

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3 Ways to Make Your Senior Pet Feel Loved

3 Ways to Make Your Senior Pet Feel Loved

Even though our senior pets have lived a full life of care, that doesn't mean showing them love has to end. For all the years they have shown us love and loyalty, here are 3 simple ways to make the most of your furry friend's golden years:   #1: Whet your pet’s...

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Odd Dog Behaviors Explained

Odd Dog Behaviors Explained

Dogs can be weird creatures, often leaving their owners scratching their heads in bewilderment. Our team explains the reasons behind some of your pooch’s oddest behaviors.  #1: Your dog eats grass: Eating grass is likely an instinctual canine behavior, although some...

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